21 and over follows two childhood friends who drag their friend out to celebrate his 21st birthday the night before an all-important medical school interview. Directed by Jon Lucas & Scott Moore. Starring Miles Teller, Justin Chon, Skylar Astin and Sarah Wright.Music by Lyle Workman. Here are some of the beats featured in the film:
The Way We Move. This is the first song featured as they walk through campus naked. The juxtaposition of this upbeat song provides dark lyrical content with an interesting evocation. Listeners will find themselves moving and grooving thanks to the instrumentation, even with the somber lyrical content.
Swim Until You Can't See Land is played when Jeff chases down Nicole at the end of the movie. A love song filled with complex, layered arrangements that just sounds that much better sung in a Scottish accent.
Young Blood is heard when Jeff kisses Nicole and continues as they all go to party at SideWinder. The driving synth bass holds the song steady as Alisa Xayalith unleashes her frantic vocals, that leaves you teetering with a whirl of angst and wonderment.
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